Green Cities are Healthier Cities: discover VARCITIES project 

The new Horizon 2020 funded project VARCITIES (Visionary Nature-based Actions for Health, Well-being and Resilience in Cities) has officially started on 1st September 2020. ISOCARP Institute is part of a consortium of 25 partners, including 8 Pilot Cities and under the lead of Telecommunication System Institute (Technical University of Crete).

The vision of VARCITIES is to implement nature-based actions in cities and establish sustainable models for increasing the health and well-being of citizens exposed to different climatic condition and challenges. The project will last until February 2025. 

The kick-off meeting took place online on 9-11 September 2020 and now the partners are implementing the first actions and deliverables.

Are you interested or actively engaged in shaping a healthier and sustainable future for your city? Then visit the project website to discover more about VARCITIES and follow it on social media! 

For any question or information regarding VARCITIES, please contact or

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