Kick-off Session WAVE – Erasmus+ project on Water Areas Visions for Europe

The first session of the WAVE training took place last Friday 12th March 2021. The training, part of the Erasmus+ programme, aims at supporting and establishing partnerships with universities, NGOs, schools and other stakeholders with the goal to create integrated knowledge for sustainable landscapes in Europe.

The Erasmus+ programme does not only encourage high education students to gain applied experience, but it also boosts European universities collaboration sharing knowledge, research, and education methods.

The first session was hosted by Ms. Ellen Fetzer from the School for Landscape Architecture, Environment and Urban Planning at HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen. The session, with around 128 international participants, introduced the topic of natural landscapes, cities, and water as an important element of life. Through the use of interactive tools, participants could engage in understanding the complexity of natural river patterns and how these have been changed artificially to the benefits of urban and economic development.

During the session, participants could compare natural landscapes from different parts of Europe and the different legislative frameworks that exist to protect and restore water bodies. These legislative acts come from different policy domains DG Environment, DG Regio or DG Agriculture are examples of policy departments that are responsible to conserve and protect water landscapes in Europe.

The course introduced the Living Labs that will serve as knowledge base for students and stakeholder engagement. The Living Labs are located in the partner cities in Constanta (RO), Bucharest (RO), Naples (IT), Tartu (EE), Brussels (BE), Freising (DE), and Nürtingen (GE).


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