ISOCARP Congress – Special Session “Digital Infrastructure for Smart Urban Services and Public Value”
One of the main activities of ISOCARP is the organisation of the annual World Planning Congress which focuses on a planning theme of foremost international interest. Attended by some 500-750 delegates, ISOCARP World Planning Congresses are small enough for a personal interchange of ideas on a given theme, yet big enough to encompass a broad professional and international range. The Congresses are open to ISOCARP Members, but our Society warmly welcomes non-members (individuals, parties or organisations). The Congress provides a platform for establishing professional as well as personal contacts with colleagues from all around the world.
The 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress “Post-Oil City. Planning for Urban Green Deals” is held virtually from 8 November 2020 to 4 February 2021. ISOCARP Institute is proud to host the Special Session “Digital Infrastructure for Smart Urban Services and Public Value ” on 9 December 2020, 1.30 pm CET.
The session will reflect on how cities can support the ecological transition by providing more sustainable urban services (i.e. energy, health, mobility, etc.) and improving the quality of life of citizens. This session is relevant especially for those cities which are introducing smart and green pilot projects in their local contexts, and seek for collaboration with local communities and actors to achieve a successful implementation. Direct experiences from the EU projects where ISOCARP Institute is involved will be presented.
Format of the session
The session is conceived to be as much as possible engaging and interactive. The keynote speaker presentation will provide meaningful insights and inspire the rest of the session. The presentation of two projects where ISOCARP Institute is involved are meant to encourage the debate and the comparison with other projects and local initiatives. The third part of the session is entirely dedicated to the exchange of ideas and experiences, supported by engaging online tools.
13.30 – 13.40 | ISOCARP Institute introduction
13.40 – 14.00 | Keynote Presentation: Assembling sustainable smart city transitions
Luca Mora, Professor of Urban Innovation, Business School of Edinburgh Napier University14.00 – 14.10 | Q&A Session
14.10 – 14.25 | ISOCARP Institute projects presentation: (+CityxChange, VARCITIES)
Dirk Ahlers, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (for +CityxChange)
Denia Koloktsa, Professor (Associate) of Technical University of Crete (for VARCITIES)
Pietro Elisei, President-elect ISOCARP14.25 – 14.55 | Online Workshop (discussion, sharing experiences, team brainstorming)
14.55 – 15.00 | Closing
- Didier Vancutsem – Director of ISOCARP Institute
- Federico Aili – ISOCARP Institute
Keynote Speaker
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.