4th +CityxChange Consortium Meeting

October 18-27th, 2021

CxC-Consortium Week-1a

On the 18th of October, the +CityxChange project kicks off its fourth consortium meeting. This time, the consortium meeting will be held over 1.5 weeks with a series of smaller sessions to share project updates and hearing the challenges and key learnings from each city. The meeting brings together all project partners including Lighthouse and Follower Cities.  

The project is heading into its fourth year of the five-year project and focusing on the finalization and replication phase. With over 69 deliverables submitted and a significant number of milestones achieved, the project team is proud of the ongoing dedication and commitment, especially under extra-ordinary conditions over the last year and a half. 

ISOCARP Institute will be sharing their updates and progress on their role in various work packages and integrating storytelling events to support city partners in their sessions.

Stay tuned for more information on how the consortium week unfolds.  

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