‘Planning Disrupted’ webinar results and presentations

‘Planning Disrupted’ webinar results and presentations

June 16, 2020

On the 9th of June, ISOCARP together with other collaborating partners from South Africa (eThekwini Municipality, SACN – South African Cities Network, SALGA – South African Local Governments Association, SAPI – South African Planning Institute and MILA), held the webinar ‘Planning Disrupted’. The main aim of the webinar was to defy critical thematic areas pertinent to urban planning during COVID-19 crisis across cities and regions. Practitioners, planning organisations, individuals and academia were invited to join and discuss on what kind of policy, planning and design actions should be undertaken in our cities, in South Africa and city of Durban in particular. 

Over 250 participants joined the ‘Planning Disrupted’ webinar from all over the world, with most participants being from South Africa, followed up by India and Indonesia. 

After the welcoming words from SACN, the webinar continued with a presentation of the ISOCARP UPAT workshop for the inner-city renewal of Durban. The results of this collaborative UPAT workshop between urban planning professionals of Ethekwini Municipality and ISOCARP experts are bundled in the PLAN Magazine publication. After the welcoming words and the kick-off presentation the webinar moved on to the five Breakout Sessions, which offered an interactive, broad and moderated discussion on the following topics:


1. Planning Practice in the Time Of Flux – moderated by SALGA and SACN.

The Session deliberated on the changes and disruptions that are happening on the municipal level planning related to COVID, and took a concrete look what could be the new norms, the new leaderships and new formats for planning emerging from the crisis. The discussion highlighted the stark polarities and inequalities that the COVID19 crisis has brought forward in South Africa. Having to adapt to use social media as means of public participation, has shed light into inequalities in data accessibility among interested stakeholders. There is a necessity for urban planners and practitioners in the urban field to act as agents of change in order for practitioners in the urban field to best serve to those people who are most vulnerable in such situations. 

Suggested articles to learn more about the topic at hand: Built Environment Integration Practices Chronicles of a Change Agent

2. Dark Side of Planning Disruption – moderated by SAPI

Dark Side of Planning Disruption revealed the “dangers” facing planning practice, such as increasing inequality and growing bureaucracy as results of primary Covid responses. How to deal with the “low resilience capacity” of the established planning schemes and processes? The discussion touched upon topics related to: 

– The market in urban renewal and the finance economy; 

– Safety and perceptions of safety; 

– The need for leadership in organisational development;

– Need to foreground inclusiveness and transparent allocation of resources; 

– Government urban system collapse with rent seeking behaviour;

– Flexibility and transparency in regulation and laws.

3. Reset Opportunity for Density and Land-Use Planning – moderated by eThekwini Municipality

“Density Wars” seem to be at the heart of the post-COVID planning discussions. But if we can’t reset the existing frameworks of planning for more flexibility, simplicity and inclusivity NOW – when then? The Session reflected and re-prioritized the importance in land use planning for the inner city of Durban – through the lens of COVID. Main outcomes from this session highlighted the need to have a set of minimum standards for green spaces to bring relief to density. While the need for more public space is clear, the problem still remains on attracting the right investment pipelines to make this happen. Furthermore, the COVID crisis has put a big question mark on the future of the work place, in a time when working from home has become the new normal. This might require us to transform the functionality of office spaces. 


4. Public Spaces as Life Line for Cities – moderated by ISOCARP

How can public spaces adapt in the times of uncertainty, and will we be able to reclaim them after the quarantine restrictions? Location and scale of public spaces matter, as well as their contribution to more resilient, inclusive and just city. What kind of role will public space have for the next inner-city making? These were some of the questions that this break-out session explored. Contextualisation of public spaces is necessary as the public space is complex and the same rules cannot just be replicated from one context to another. In this way, it can reflect the values and cultures of all the people who use or experience them in an inclusive way. 

Read the Manifesto produced at the end of the session to learn more about the outcomes of the discussion. 


5. Relevant and Supportive National Planning – moderated by ISOCARP and SAPI

The crisis has revealed the bigger need for comprehensive planning on the highest, national level, covering primarily health facilities, housing, shelters, and all kind of supporting functions. The globalisation should not become the norm after the COVID crisis, and new economic pathways need to be found. Can urban data help establish relevant and supportive national (and local) planning and how? The discussion, pointed out three main priorities that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to national planning:

Mitigate political instability which influences planning processes;

– While the national policies are present, the main challenge remains on their implementation. ‘We need to own the policy at the local level’.

– There is a need to work on horizontal integration in planning (not just topdown/bottom-up) but for more horizontal collaboration. 


Webinar: Planning Disrupted

Webinar “Planning Disrupted” 

June 9, 2020

UPDATE 8 JUNE: The “Planning Disrupted!” webinar tomorrow is fully booked and the registration is closed since this morning. The interest in the webinar’s topic has been tremendous, and we are planning new online activities in the near future. Check our website soon for a summary of this event and information on upcoming webinars and online activities!

Join us on Tuesday, 9th of June at 11.00 CET at the “Planning Disrupted” webinar for an interactive take on the next steps in urban resilience and (disrupted) global planning.  Together with the collaborating partners from South Africa (eThekwini Municipality, SACN – South African Cities Network, SALGA – South African Local Governments Association, SAPI – South African Planning Institute and MILA) ISOCARP will defy critical thematic areas pertinent to urban planning during COVID-19 crisis across cities and regions. Practitioners, planning organisations, individuals and academia are welcome to join the “Planning Disrupted!” and formulate what kind of policy, planning and design actions should be undertaken in our cities, in South Africa and city of Durban in particular. What conclusions can we draw from the first wave of the pandemic, and how to move forward in a better way?

The webinar will start with a kick-off presentation of the ISOCARP UPAT workshop for the inner-city renewal of Durban. The results of this collaborative UPAT workshop between urban planning professionals of Ethekwini Municipality and ISOCARP experts are bundled in the PLAN Magazine publication. The kick-off presentation will showcase several possible approaches to inner-city renewal, from new mobility schemes towards greater walkability (the “road diets”) to some new design typologies and relevant financial instruments to spur more mixed-use, better social housing and quality upgrade of the inner-city public space.

The webinar will then move to the five Breakout Sessions, which will offer an interactive, broad and moderated discussion on the following topics:

1. Planning Practice in the Time Of Flux – moderated by SALGA and SACN.

The Session will deliberate on the changes and disruptions that are happening on the municipal level planning related to COVID, and take a concrete look what could be the new norms, the new leaderships and new formats for planning emerging from the crisis.

2. Dark Side of Planning Disruption – moderated by SAPI

Dark Side of Planning Disruption will reveal the “dangers” facing planning practice, such as increasing inequality and growing bureaucracy as results of primary Covid responses. How to deal with the “low resilience capacity” of the established planning schemes and processes? Mirror, mirror on the wall – what kind of planning we need for all?

3. Reset Opportunity for Density and Land-Use Planning – moderated by eThekwini Municipality

“Density Wars” seem to be at the heart of the post-COVID planning discussions. But if we can’t reset the existing frameworks of planning for more flexibility, simplicity and inclusivity NOW – when then? The Session will also reflect and re-prioritize what is of importance in land use planning for the inner city of Durban – through the lens of COVID.

4. Public Spaces as Life Line for Cities – moderated by ISOCARP

How can public spaces adapt in the times of uncertainty, and will we be able to reclaim them after the quarantine restrictions? Location and scale of public spaces matter, as well as their contribution to more resilient, inclusive and just city. What kind of role will public space have for the next inner-city making?

5. Relevant and Supportive National Planning – moderated by ISOCARP and SAPI

The crisis has revealed the bigger need for comprehensive planning on the highest, national level, covering primarily health facilities, housing, shelters, and all kind of supporting functions. The globalisation should not become the norm after the COVID crisis, and new economic pathways need to be found. Can urban data help establish relevant and supportive national (and local) planning and how? What kind of cross-sectoral collaborations we need?

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or proposals for upcoming sessions.


YPP Workshop in Ningbo, China

YPP Workshop in Ningbo, China

ISOCARP is proud to announce a Young Planning Professionals’ workshop (YPP) in Ningbo, China, between 26 and 30 August 2019. The YPP Program is a crucial component of ISOCARP’s dedication to promote and enhance the planning profession and commitment to facilitate knowledge for better cities with the young generations. The programme has been leading for over two decades to provide young planning professionals an opportunity to work in a multi-cultural setting, share their experiences on real-life planning problems, and exchange ideas and learn from each other as well as from senior colleagues. The Ningbo YPP workshop will be organised in collaboration with the United National International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the China Urban Planning Society (UPSC), and undertaken by Ningbo Bureau of Nature Resources and Planning (NBNRP), the Ningbo Urban Planning & Design Institute (NBPI) and the ISOCARP Institute, Centre for Urban Excellence.

Theme of the Workshop

The theme of the Ningbo YPP workshop is ‘Child-responsive Urban Planning’. Since 2018, ISOCARP has cooperated with United National International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to promote the process of child-friendly urbanization, aiming at drawing attention to the needs of children in urban planning and enabling children worldwide to have a healthy, safe, inclusive and green life in vibrant, fair and friendly cities. These efforts also help to complete the agenda proposed by the United Nations Development Programme: ‘Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. As starting point and planning reference, the workshop will consider UNICEF’s publication ‘Shaping urbanization for Children, a handbook on child-responsive urban planning’.