Why We Need Participatory Mapping?
Author(s): Amandus Jong Tallo
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
More than 50% Kapuas Hulu regency conservation area, where forests are the world’s buffer zone in the face of global warming. The availability of conservation areas causes social inequality for Dayak people in Mensuai village, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. This study aims to delineate management boundaries area palm oil between community forest, which were carried out for two years, using participatory action research involving related stakeholders.
FPIC (Free, Prior, Inform, Consent) are principles in this research process. Free; in which the community is given an understanding of conservation areas and the constraints of management space that are provided at the beginning without coercion, and the choice of rejecting activities (prior) understood by society through shared social learning), consent ends in people who do it (participatory principles are actually implemented) through several stages including, mapping of stakeholders (functions & authority), making mental maps, spatial learning (learning using tools in the form of Global Positioning System/GPS and arc gis training for village communities), and public consultation.
The results of this study indicate that the community consciously feels it has its own area through participatory mapping activities carried out. The resulting map is in the form of a village boundary map that has been communicated with boundary villages and companies, land use maps with existing uses, tenure maps containing types of land ownership (communities, companies, government), village spatial maps (structure and spatial patterns). The success of the mapping process is supported. The output produced is not only a map but also a very complete village product, by calculating the lack of food security of the local community, in terms of carrying capacity of the land. Participatory mapping addresses the spatial challenges of land tenure rights and land history, spatial layout, and various interests of sustainable village development.
Publication: ISOCARP Congress Proceedings, pp.1594-1608
Year: 2019
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