Urban Population Growth and the Growth of Towns and Cities in Indonesia: the Challenge of Non-statutory Town Development
Author(s): Fadjar Mardiansjah; Paramita Rahayu; Deden Rukmana
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
This study examines the emergence of new tendencies in the current Indonesian urbanization process. The process is characterized by not only the development of large cities and mega-urban but also the rapid development of many smaller cities and urban concentration. The latter includes the non-statutory towns in the territory of Kabupaten. The rapid growth of towns and population, in addition to the huge number of the accumulated urban population in Kabupaten, suggest that this type of urban concentration will play a more significant role in the future of urbanization and urban development in Indonesia. The development of these small towns and cities will also bring significant implications and challenges for central as well as local governments, including the government of the urbanized Kabupaten, especially in improving the capacity to manage such emerging characteristics of development.
Publication: ISOCARP Congress Proceedings, pp.119-128
Year: 2019