Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals”
ISOCARP Institute hosted an Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals” that took place on July 16th, 2021. This event was coordinated and facilitated by ISOCARP Institute and was part of the 3-day Urban Thinker Campus “A Local Green Deal”, organized by Studieninstitut Rhein-Neckar (Mannheim, Germany). This Urban Lab Session aimed at reflecting on actionable and short-term interventions to foster the implementation of Local Green Deals.
The programme started with brief presentations to inspire the audience and provide exemplary experiences and approaches at different urban scales and from different contexts. Moreover, ISOCARP Institute launched a Call for Contributors, where city representatives, practitioners, industry partners, or community members can share their stories and suggest possible solutions.
Event Recording via YouTube:
The event had contributions and speakers from a diverse range of topics and contexts:
Keynote speaker presentation | Martin Knuijt, OKRA
Topic: Adaptive urban design
Contributions from:
Elsa Durieux, ICLEI
Topic: Local Green & Social Deals: why should cities and towns take the lead?
Nicolas Gharbi, Municipality of Madrid
Topic: Madrid metropolitan and local green strategy
Joana Bispo, Municipality of Teresina
Topic: Teresina 2030 – Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality of Teresina
Valentina D’Alonzo, EURAC & VARCITIES project
Topic: VARCITIES – Visionary Nature-based Actions for Health, Well-Being and Resilience in Cities
Bhagyshri Kulkarni, architect and urban designer (India)
Topic: A regulation to manage and mantain the open public spaces in collaboration with the citizens/community
Sevval Cavusoglu, urban planner (Turkey)
Sevval Cavusoglu– Urban Planner and Junior Expert (Turkey)
Topic: Developing Decision Support Systems for low-carbon city projects including Green Bonds Financing Framework
Elisa Torricelli, Municipality of Milan
Topic: A green and resilient Milan
The Urban Lab Session concluded with a brief discussion moderated by Milena Ivkovic, connecting the key points of the session to the larger theme of the UTC on Local Green Deals.
Check out some screenshots of the session below: