Ten key dimensions for Eco-city development in theory and practice

Dubai today presents many factors such as huge freeway systems that work against the quest for eco-cities. By contrast, its expanding metro and light rail system serving high density corridor development provides a more positive approach and highlights the often conflicting forces facing cities in their quest for greater sustainability.
Author(s): Jeffrey R. Kenwhorty
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
Changing urban development from its present unsustainable forms and patterns in both wealthy and poorer cities is a very challenging process. Not only do urban form, transportation systems and water, waste and energy technologies have to change, but the value systems and underlying processes of urban governance and planning need to be reformed to better reflect a commitment to sustainability.
This paper first summarises ten critical responses which would change the nature of urban development to a more ecological, sustainable model. These dimensions revolve around urban transport systems and their links to urban form and are therefore mostly, though not exclusively, focussed on the problems of reducing automobile dependence in cities, building more sustainable urban form and creating more livable places.
These ten dimensions are not exclusive of other critical factors in the quest for urban sustainability and some caveats, limitations and omissions, as well as a detailed description of each dimension, have been provided in Kenworthy (2006). However, these ten dimensions are central to any attempts at greater sustainability in both prosperous and less prosperous cities, especially because of the powerful city-shaping ability of transport systems.
Publication: ISOCARP Review 12, pp. 16-47
Year: 2016
Editors: Shi Nan, Jim Reilly, Fran Klass
Coordinator: Lucian Perici
Graphic Designer: Ricardo Moura
ISBN 978-94-90354-46-6