Managing stormwater and its influence on building a sustainable, resilient city. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Figure 1: Green roof installed on Philadelphia’s Central Public Library.
Source: Philadelphia Water Department
Author(s): Howard M. Neukrug, Laura Barron
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
Philadelphia Water has been working with other city agencies, urban planning organi-zations, developers, private and public land owners, community groups and politicians to successfully leverage new green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) solutions into new urban thinking, planning and construction to insure a sustainable and resilient city into the 21st cen-tury and beyond. The Green City, Clean Water (GCCW) program is part of a new “One Water” management approach to integrating the tradi-tionally “separate” business sectors of drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and water re-source management. The Philadelphia model is being adopted by cities throughout the US.
Publication: ISOCARP Review 12, pp. 84-95
Year: 2016
Editors: Shi Nan, Jim Reilly, Fran Klass
Coordinator: Lucian Perici
Graphic Designer: Ricardo Moura
ISBN 978-94-90354-46-6