Expanding an understanding of urban resilience in the realm of adaptation planning
Author(s): Natalie Rosales
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
As cities have become more central to development, resilience, risk assessment and prevention instruments have gained greater importance in urban planning considerations. By using the case study of Mexico City’s Climate Action Programme, this piece of work contests the way in which resilience has been embedded in urban adaptation planning. Grounded on a planning evaluation-based approach to analyze which methodologies, tools, and frameworks have been used, and which key actions and strategic lines to building resilient cities are contemplated, this descriptive research incorporates urban-regional metabolism dynamics and environmental data such as carrying capacity, into Mexico city climate change scenarios and vulnerability analysis matrix. By doing so, the article introduces new ideas that can: i) move from risk management to uncertainty oriented planning; ii) understand vulnerability in the context of equitable sustainable development, while highlights the opportunities transformative resilience offers to enable transformations towards sustainable urban futures
Publication: ISOCARP Congress Proceedings, pp.1816-1833
Year: 2019