Essence of Urban form and its Relationship with Urban Aesthetics: A case from Rajshahi City, Bangladesh
Map of the research area
Author(s): Ferdous Farhana Huq; Imzamam Ul Khan Shuvo; Nidalia Islam
Abstract / Introduction (download full article at the bottom)
The identity of a city is visibly recognized by observing its urban form. The development plans of the cities of Bangladesh address land-use planning and ignore the aptness of urban form. As a result, the cities of Bangladesh are growing haphazardly and turning into an urban jungle rather than aesthetically pleasing habitable urban space. This study explores the intrinsic nature of the urban form of the major cities of Bangladesh as well as compares the urban form of major cities of Bangladesh with selected cities from around the world.
This study conducts Physical Observation on building frontage, elevation, plinth level, footpath, doors and window pattern by employing transect method to acknowledge the character of the urban forms of the selected study area of Rajshahi city of Bangladesh.
The findings of the study answer why the urban forms of the cities of Bangladesh look similar irrespective of cultural and geographical context. The findings shed lights on the weaknesses of current building codes regarding the compatibility of the design of the building elements as well as the relationship between building and street which leads to the degrade the urban aesthetics. Based on the findings some strategic and design solutions are provided with a view to improving the look of the city form.
Publication: ISOCARP Congress Proceedings, pp. 1215-1222
Year: 2019