Institute Research
The ISOCARP Institute aims to distil and further capitalise the knowledge of ISOCARP members and urban professionals by initiating, developing and managing research activities related to urban development. Within the research pillar, the Institute explores and identifies research topics and programmes, develops novel research ideas, investigates urban development trends, and actively participates in cross-border research projects.
We actively contribute to the urban research community through our work on research projects, publications, and through our strong network of academic professionals. Our work carries on the contribution to EU and global research projects initiated by the International Society of City and Regional Planners since 2016.
In November 2018, the first project solely operated within the Institute started: Positive City Exchange (+CxC). Since then, the Institute has been granted funding for several projects on various topics.
In our research projects, we focus on a wide range of fields related to urban development, such as climate mitigation and adaptation, urban resilience, public spaces, smart cities, urban culture and heritage, etc. We always seek for new programmes and collaboration with other partners and organisations.
Horizon Europe Project
Urban Planning and design ready for 2030 (UP2030) is a climate-neutral and smart cities project aiming to provide “guidance” for cities to reach their climate-neutral goals. The project involves a total of 46 participants, including twelve countries from the European Union.
Horizon Europe Project
Urban Planning and design ready for 2030 (UP2030) is a climate-neutral and smart cities project aiming to provide “guidance” for cities to reach their climate-neutral goals. The project involves a total of 46 participants, including twelve countries from the European Union.
Horizon Europe Project
Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions (DUST) project will develop and operationalise novel participatory instruments for proactive and strategic citizen engagement in sustainability transitions at the regional scale. The project addresses a defining societal and democratic challenge for Europe, especially in structurally weak regions dependent on energy-intensive industries, which will be most affected by transitions towards a more sustainable future.
Horizon Europe Project
Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions (DUST) project will develop and operationalise novel participatory instruments for proactive and strategic citizen engagement in sustainability transitions at the regional scale. The project addresses a defining societal and democratic challenge for Europe, especially in structurally weak regions dependent on energy-intensive industries, which will be most affected by transitions towards a more sustainable future.
PLUS Change
Horizon Europe Project
PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world) aims to create strategies and decision-making processes for land use, addressing issues related climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being. The project focuses on understanding the relationships between urban, regional, and peri-urban areas. The ultimate goal is to generate knowledge and drive transformative change towards a sustainable world.
PLUS Change
Horizon Europe Project
PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world) aims to create strategies and decision-making processes for land use, addressing issues related climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being. The project focuses on understanding the relationships between urban, regional, and peri-urban areas. The ultimate goal is to generate knowledge and drive transformative change towards a sustainable world.
Horizon Europe Project
REGEN (REGENeration of neighborhoods towards a low-carbon, inclusive and affordable built environment) aims to pave innovative pathways for the decarbonisation of European neighbourhoods and cities, while tackling socioeconomic, climate and built environment challenges. The project, granted funding by the Horizon Europe programme, will engage citizens and influence behavioural change to develop urban regeneration interventions.
Horizon Europe Project
REGEN (REGENeration of neighborhoods towards a low-carbon, inclusive and affordable built environment) aims to pave innovative pathways for the decarbonisation of European neighbourhoods and cities, while tackling socioeconomic, climate and built environment challenges. The project, granted funding by the Horizon Europe programme, will engage citizens and influence behavioural change to develop urban regeneration interventions.
Horizon Europe Project
SPADES (Spatial Planning and DEsign with Soil) aims to develop, test and implement soil-inclusive spatial planning strategies to support the transition towards soil health in Europe. The project will work in 17 pilots, covering a broad range of land uses (urban, peri-urban and rural areas), time and spatial scales, and soil and planning challenges.
Horizon Europe Project
SPADES (Spatial Planning and DEsign with Soil) aims to develop, test and implement soil-inclusive spatial planning strategies to support the transition towards soil health in Europe. The project will work in 17 pilots, covering a broad range of land uses (urban, peri-urban and rural areas), time and spatial scales, and soil and planning challenges.
Completed Projects
EU Horizon 2020 Project
+CityxChange (Positive City ExChange) is a smart city project that has been granted funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the call for ‘Smart cities and communities.’ It brings the two aspiring Lighthouse Cities Trondheim (NO) and Limerick (IE) together with distinguished five Follower Cities to underline their ambition to achieve sustainable urban ecosystems that have zero emissions and establish a 100% renewable energy city-region by 2050.
EU Horizon 2020 Project
In order to achieve more sustainable and resilient societies, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are an important topic on the EU Research and Innovation policy agenda. The ThinkNature project is part of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and has received funding under grant agreement No 730338. The objective of the ThinkNature project is the development of a multi-stakeholder communication platform that supports the understanding and the promotion of nature-based solutions in local, regional, EU and International level.