Request for external services Booklet Creation


As part of our activities, we are involved in +CityxChange, a smart city project granted funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. We are looking for someone to design a ‘Cookbook’ on how to build Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), based on the learnings and experiences gained throughout our project. 

The idea is that by presenting our results in a cookbook format, the final product will be accessible to policymakers and other interested stakeholders, so that they can tailor and replicate the project results in their own cities. Necessary skills include digital document creation (graphic and layout design), proofing, and preparing for print/online dissemination. For the online version, we would like some of the illustrations to have small, animated features that can possibly be published separately as GIFs, so animation skills are an asset! A separate illustrator will create the sketches, although this can be negotiated, if you would be interested in creating the illustrations yourself.

The text should be completed mid- to end-august, meaning design work will take place from
mid-August through the month of September. The final due date is October 1.

The terms or reference for Booklet Creation are available here.

Interested? Please send your proposal by 04.08.2023 to and

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