Open Call for ISOCARP Members

The launch of Open Call for ISOCARP Members aims to foster a productive dialogue and knowledge exchange with the ISOCARP membership. In this view, ISOCARP Institute is seeking motivated members of ISOCARP to collaborate and support the development of upcoming activities across the Institute’s three pillars of Research, Academy and Practice. ISOCARP Institute is committed to a more inclusive ISOCARP ecosystem where all players within can come together, collaborate and develop fruitful exchanges. 

If you are interested, please read descriptions on the open calls below and apply using the link below.

1) ISOCARP Institute X Strelka KB – A1

On behalf of Strelka KB – Moscow, ISOCARP Institute is looking for experienced urban designers and urban planners to work on projects in Russia, CIS, Middle and Far East in the field of regional, territorial, and urban development, including Masterplanning.

Successful candidates should have strong design skills, at least 5 years of working experience in the field of urban planning or urban design (qualifications in the field of environmental and housing are preferable), be fluent in spoken English, and be available for long-term working travels (more than 3 months). Candidates should be available starting from January 2022. Contracts will be signed with Strelka KB.

2) ISOCARP Institute X Think City Institute

ISOCARP Institute and thinkcity Institute have agreed to develop together international capacity building programmes in the field of sustainable urban development and related areas as opportunities for local governments, private developers and other relevant stakeholders to share practical experiences and concrete lessons. Online courses (starting January 2022) will focus on the topics of spatial inequality and poverty reduction, prosperity of cities and regions, climate action and improved urban environment, and good governance for sustainable urban development. ISOCARP Institute is looking for experienced urban planners with at least 10 years working and teaching experience in the above-mentioned topics. Candidates will receive an allowance.

3) ISOCARP Institute X GIZ Egypt

ISOCARP Institute and GIZ Egypt are currently working on a possible Placemaking workshop with citizens and young local professionals on site in the Greater Cairo, as well as a Capacity building / UPAT workshop on place-led development and stakeholder engagement to take place also in Greater Cairo, both to be implemented early 2022. ISOCARP Institute is looking for young planning professionals, preferably from Middle East region, and experienced urban planners with at least 10 years working and teaching experience in place-led development and stakeholder engagement. Candidates will receive an allowance.

4) ISOCARP Institute X Dubai Future Academy

ISOCARP Institute and Dubai Future Academy ( have agreed to develop an online capacity-building training on the topic of “Shaping Humanity’s urban future beyond 2030”. The aim of the course is to understand the future of the urban humanity, its evolution and how the future beyond 2030 looks like, which challenges and pathways shaping urban futures will dominate in the next decades, and how the relationship between human and technology will evolve. Four core courses will focus on the topics of Prospective thinking of Environmental Future, Human Future, New Paradigms and urban living conditions, and Urban Management towards 2071. ISOCARP Institute is looking for highly experienced urban planners with at least 20 years working and teaching experience in the above-mentioned topics. The courses will take place on December 13th and 14th, 2021. Candidacies to be sent before December 3rd, 2021. The candidates should be able to envision the future of the urban humanity beyond 2030. Candidates will receive an allowance.

5) ISOCARP Institute X Strelka KB – A2

ISOCARP Institute has been mandated by Strelka KB Moscow to implement a Review of their latest Publications on Master Planning in Russia. The Publications consist in 3 Books on Master Planning Approach, Methodology, Instruments and Tools. The Reviewers will have to read and analyze the publications, review the outputs, and produce an integrated report to be delivered by End of January 2022. ISOCARP Institute is looking for highly experienced urban planners with at least 10 years working experience in publication review and critical analysis related to urban and master planning. The work will be carried during December 2021 and January 2022. Candidates will receive an allowance.

In order to find ideal candidates, we ask you to complete a short form stating your interest, experience and profile. Please submit a short CV, statement of motivation and other related information using the link below.

If you have any questions concerning the Open Call for ISOCARP Members please contact

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