Online Workshop and Conference: Mass Housing and Climate Change, Challenges and Solutions, organized by the EU Delegation to Russia, Strelka KB, ISOCARP Institute and the World Urban Campaign (UN-Habitat).

 September 18-20, 2021


In Russia, approximately 70 million people live in mass housing units, the vast majority of which was built during the Soviet time, with little consideration for climate change and sustainability. This housing stock is in dire need of refurbishment today. However, Russia is not an exception. Mass housing units were erected both in Western and Eastern Europe in the second half of the 20th century, as well as on all continents. The stock of mass housing worldwide is so huge that it cannot be replaced in the foreseeable future for ecological, economic and social reasons; and it keeps on growing today. Mass housing units should be considered an opportunity for developers, architects and planners, as good solutions bear the potential to be reproduced worldwide. Their modernization could have a significant impact in the fight against climate change. 

The EU Delegation to Russia, together with urban consultancy Strelka KB, ISOCARP Institute and the World Urban Campaign, are organizing both an online workshop (18-19/10) and an online conference (20/10) on the theme of mass housing regeneration in the context of climate change.

The practical workshop is designed to bring forward solutions to regenerate mass housing units in the context of climate change. Participants will have the opportunity to work on a theoretical case study using the actual data from four locations in the world. 

The conference will bring professionals from the EU, UN-Habitat, ISOCARP, Strelka KB and others, who will share their experience on the challenges and solutions to address the inadequacy of mass housing in a changing climate. It will feature, among others:

– Didier Vancutsem, Director at the ISOCARP Institute 

– Christophe Lalande, head of the housing division at UN-Habitat 

– Hilmar von Lojewski, councillor at the German Association of Cities (Städtetag) 

– Christophe Hutin, architect 

– Michaela Kauer, Director of the Brussels Liaison Office of the City of Vienna and coordinator of the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership

– Ekaterina Maleeva, project director at Strelka KB

– Alexandra Chechetkina, managing director at Strelka KB

The results of this event will be further presented online at the COP-26 on November 10th.

To participate to the workshop, please register here:


To participate to the conference, please register here:


For further information, please find the link to the official website of the event:

Strelka KB: Masshousing and climate change. Challenges and solutions — Homepage (  


The project has been supported by the European Union Delegation in Russia.


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