Request for external services Booklet Creation

Request for external services Booklet Creation


As part of our activities, we are involved in +CityxChange, a smart city project granted funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. We are looking for someone to design a β€˜Cookbook’ on how to build Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), based on the learnings and experiences gained throughout our project. 

The idea is that by presenting our results in a cookbook format, the final product will be accessible to policymakers and other interested stakeholders, so that they can tailor and replicate the project results in their own cities. Necessary skills include digital document creation (graphic and layout design), proofing, and preparing for print/online dissemination. For the online version, we would like some of the illustrations to have small, animated features that can possibly be published separately as GIFs, so animation skills are an asset! A separate illustrator will create the sketches, although this can be negotiated, if you would be interested in creating the illustrations yourself.

The text should be completed mid- to end-august, meaning design work will take place from
mid-August through the month of September. The final due date is October 1.

The terms or reference for Booklet Creation are available here.

Interested? Please send your proposal by 04.08.2023 to and

External control and audit of expenses

External control and audit of expenses 


For projects we are implementing with the support of the European Union, the ISOCARP Institute must have its expenses controlled and certified.

For an Horizon 2020 project, we are looking for an auditor to certify our expenses in October 2023.

For an Interreg Europe project, we are looking for a financial controller with whom we would work until the end of the project in 2027.

The terms or reference for the Auditor are available here.

The terms or reference for the Controller are available here.

Interested? Reach out to and send your proposal by 31.08.2023

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Down To Earth project kick-off conference in Santiago de Compostela

Down To Earth Project Launch & Kick-off Conference! 

In the last week of June, Down to Earth partners were in Santiago de Compostela for the Inaugural Management meetings and the Public Kick-Off Conference!

Down to Earth – Tackling depopulation challenges to improve environmental resilience in rural areas – kicked off the first conference to the public, highlighting the main challenges faced in many rural areas across Europe, such as land abandonment and climate disasters, but also supporting an economic fabric that allows the agricultural sector to grow sustainably. The project is co-funded by European Union and aims to optimize the utilization of available tools and resources within the participating regions, including Cohesion Policy funds. By doing so, we aspire to promote sustainable development and increase the disaster risk resilience of rural communities across Europe. 

The Kick-Off Meeting brought together 8 dedicated partners introduced the various components of the project, and laid out the steps ahead for the coming months. The ISOCARP Institute participated in the Kick-Off Meeting and presented its upcoming contribution to the Communication and dissemination work plan. As the leader of Communication and Dissemination, we presented our strategy to aggregate project results in multimedia dissemination and increase and maintain the visibility of the project to the EU-level public.

Stay tuned for more updates! And check out the Press Release to discover more about the project


JUSTNature Call for a Twin City

Open call for a Twin City for Munich! 

If you are a European city who wants to share experiences and knowledge about Nature-based Solutions! We want to invite you to be the twin city with our City Practice Labs (CiPeLs) the city of Munich.

The city of Munich is currently looking for a twin city to exchange common challenges, barriers and experiences through cross learning workshops aim to identify issues covering engagement, governance, business replication, IT solutions, gender and other relevant aspects of the project. Additionally, bi-annual exchanges through online meetings will be facilitated to ensure a constructive dialogue and knowledge sharing.

The cross-learning activities will include 1 in-person workshop and 5 bi-annual online meetings starting in October. For the in-person workshop, the planned format is a one-and-half-day program, including a pilot site visit to illustrate the NBS interventions regarding the topics mentioned. 

Additionally, The City of Munich will moderate all activities and also covers producing reports, minutes. Travel and subsistence for the twin city are covered by the project. This process will enable a wide-scale replication of effective LOW CARBON | HIGH AIR QUALITY NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS.

The potential city is required to have closely similar conditions:

  1. Continental climate affected by the proximity to the Alps
  2. High urban density
  3. More than 100.000 inhabitants
  4. and experiences climate change
The workshop is expected to happen in October 2023, and the selection process will last until 14 August 2023 (extended).
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For more information about the programme structure, please send an email to Methi Laithavewat at: or visit our JUSTNature website.

PLUSCHANGE Kick off meeting

PlusChange project kick-off meeting announced

PLUS Change Project Launch & Kick off Meeting! 

On the 12th to 14th June 2023, the PLUS Change project was officially kicked-off! PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world) is funded by the Horizon Europe programme and aims to develop strategies and decision-making processes for land use that effectively address challenges related to climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being. By bringing together diverse stakeholders and examining case studies from various regions in Europe, the project emphasizes the interconnectedness between urban, regional, and peri-urban areas. The overarching goal is to generate knowledge and drive transformative change towards a sustainable world.

The Kick-Off Meeting took place in Prague and brought together representatives from 14 countries and 23 institutions including the ISOCARP Institute as well as public administrations, universities, and field experts. Together, the partners introduced the various components of the project and laid out the steps ahead for the coming months.

The ISOCARP Institute took part in the Kick-Off Meeting and presented its upcoming contribution for the Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan. As the leader of the Dissemination, communication and exploitation Work Package, we presented our plan to aggregate project results in multimedia dissemination as a central hub for activities within this work package, and acts as the anchor for disseminating project deliverables and fostering their exploitation. This is a multi-format strategy, centred on the project website and online hub, in which we will build a community of knowledge by showcasing practice cases, disseminating artistic output and interactive modules.

Stay tuned for more updates! And check out the Press Release to discover more about the project.