
Recap of UTC Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals”

Recap of Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals” 

July 21, 2021

ISOCARP Institute has organised and coordinated the Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals”, as part of the Urban Thinker Campus “A Local Green Deal” organised by the city of Mannehim (Germany). The session took place online on Friday 16th July 2021. 

Through the European Green Deals, the European Union has set the ambitious target of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.  The European Green Deal includes various actions, measures and tools in nine policy areas (such as clean energy, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, etc.). However, it is crucial to transform the direction given by the Green Deal into local actionable projects and concrete interventions. The session collected and discussed valuable practices and experiences in the implementation of Local Green Deals.


In his keynote presentation, Martin Knuijt (OKRA) reflected on how to design healthier and resilient cities. By presenting some of his work in different urban contexts, he emphasized the importance of preserving biodiversity, connecting places to increase social cohesion, and designing adaptive infrastructure, especially when it comes to water management. This is only possible through integrated and holistic solutions, able to meet citizens’ needs and generate their enthusiasm.    

Afterwards, the session continued with a series of contributors from city representatives and experts from different background. Elsa Durieux (ICLEI) framed the discussion around the European Green Deals as new approach to accelerate and scale-up cities’ sustainability ambitions, discussing the main challenges and barriers; she also introduced the Local Green Deals Blueprint for Action. Nicolas Gharbi (city of Madrid) presented the case of the metropolitan forest of Madrid, the flagship project for the recovery plan of the city; the forest will be a 75 km ring infrastructure connecting existing green spaces around Madrid. Valentina D’Alonzo (EURAC) gave an overview of H2020 project VARCITIES, and its holistic approach in developing visionary solutions which link nature-based solutions, urban health, public spaces and smart cities. Elisa Torricelli (city of Milan) brought the experience of the city of Milan, showing the work of the Environmental Transition Department in developing local plans and initiatives to increase urban resilience.  


Beside inviting some speakers, ISOCARP Institute opened a Call for Contributors to collect experiences from different countries and to ensure a truly international perspective. Sevval Cavusoglu brought her experience from Turkey and reminded the importance of decision support systems for low-carbon city projects. Bhagyashri Kulkarni reflected on bottom-up and participatory practices to manage green public spaces in collaboration with citizens, beyond traditional public-private partnerships. Joana Bispo introduced the Sustainable Development Strategy of the city of Teresina (Brasil) and presented some specific projects, highlighting also the monitoring of SDGs at the local level.  

Milena Ivkovic moderated the last part of the session, with questions and answers and the closing remarks. 


Speakers, Contributors and presentations

Keynote Speaker
Martin Knuijt – OKRA

Topic: Adaptive urban design


Nicolas Gharbi – City of Madrid

Topic: Madrid metropolitan and local green strategy


Bhagyashri Kulkarni – Architect, Urban Designer (India) 

Topic: A regulation to manage and mantain the open public spaces in collaboration with the citizens/community


Sevval Cavusoglu– Urban Planner and Junior Expert (Turkey)

Topic: Developing Decision Support Systems for low-carbon city projects including Green Bonds Financing Framework


Elisa Torricelli – City of Milan 

Topic: A green and resilient Milan


  • 09.30 – 09.35   
    Introduction | ISOCARP Institute
  • 09.35 – 09.50   
    Keynote speaker presentation | Martin Knuijt, OKRA  
  • 09.50 – 10.40
    Call for Contributors: share your story!
    Elsa Durieux, ICLEI
    Nicolas Gharbi, Municipality of Madrid
    Joana Bispo, Municipality of Teresina
    Valentina D’Alonzo, EURAC & VARCITIES project
    Bhagyshri Kulkarni, architect and urban designer (India)
    Sevval Cavusoglu, urban planner (Turkey)
    Elisa Torricelli, Municipality of Milan
  • 10.45 – 10.55
    Discussion | Local actions for Green Deals
    Moderated by Milena Ivkovic
  • 10.55 – 11.00
    Recap and closing | ISOCARP Institute
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or proposals for upcoming sessions.


Urban Thinkers Campus “Climate Adaptation in Challenging Environments in the MENA Region”

Urban Thinkers Campus “Climate Adaptation in Challenging Environments in the MENA Region”

UTC Objective: The main objective of this UTC is to discuss and explore solutions that are being tested to ameliorate the future of urban living conditions. The Campus explored and discussed solutions on how cities can better respond to changing climate conditions, using Dubai as an example of a city which due to its demanding climate conditions, has from the beginning had to plan in ways, which can offer valuable best practices to urban planners around the world.

The session lasted 3 hours and was via Zoom. We aimed to make this session as interactive and inclusive as it is possible.

Check out the agenda to learn more!

See the recording of the session here:

UTC Background: ISOCARP Institute together with Middle East Cities Center at the American University in Dubai University and other partners organized on the 22nd of June 2021 the UTC on Hot Cities in the MENA region. According to the latest IPCC simulations, the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) has been identified as a hotspot for future temperature changes due to its arid environmental conditions. Heat extremes are expected to increase significantly in both frequency and intensity across the MENA region. Heatwaves will occur for 80 days of the year by 2050 and 118 days of the year by 2100. Combined with increased sandstorms associated with longer drought periods, predicted temperature rises would make large parts of the region uninhabitable. Extreme heat has been identified as a serious threat to human health, heightening an individuals’ susceptibility to exhaustion, heart attack and mortality.

Hot cities in the MENA region – with the reference to Dubai- are a current trend which will be highlighted and discussed during the UTC. Meanwhile we would like to expand the discussion on what other trends related to the Hot Cities trends are emerging? Among the main trends that we would like to touch upon and discuss possible solutions are: water scarcity, biodiversity loss, sea level rise, loss of coastal defence and storm surges. 

Check out some screenshots from the session:

210707_JUSTNature_general map

Upcoming EU funded research project JUSTNature

Upcoming EU funded project – JUSTNature   

July 7, 2021

ISOCARP Institute is proud to announce that the European Commission has signed the grant agreement for the EU funded project JUSTNature. ISOCARP Institute is part of the consortium which will implement the project, starting from 1st September 2021 until February 2026, together with other 18 partners and under the lead of EURAC.

The overall objective of JUSTNature is the activation of Nature-based Solutions, by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space.  JUSTNature represents the Institute’s third project on NBS in less than five years, strengthening its international reputation and expertise on the topic. The work of the Institute is consistent with ISOCARP’s vision of promoting inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities, and of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

JUSTNature – Activation of NATURE-based solutions for a JUST low-carbon transition    

Cities are major energy consumers and significantly contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. They have a high density of socio-economic activities and a built environment design that enhance these issues. In this regard, especially developed cities can be exemplars in leading the way towards a low-carbon society, and turning it into an opportunity as recently iterated by the European Green Deal. Such advances can address several other challenges arising from urbanisation and structural socio-economic changes. Cities represent a complex setting, where low income populations are more exposed to environmental ills, environmental and climate impacts are not distributed evenly, environmental qualities are becoming increasingly exclusive to high-income households, and wealthier neighbourhoods are more biologically diverse than others. Debates on these inequities have gained further traction linked to the recent spread of SARS-CoV-2, leading to discussions on the future pathway of economic and social development due to the social and economic disruptions caused by the physical distancing and lockdown measures.

In this regard, the overall objective of JUSTNature is the activation of nature-based solutions (NbS) by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space. This in particular refers to the right to clean air and indoor/outdoor thermal comfort for human health and well-being, as well as thriving biodiversity and ecosystems. It also refers to the duty of not constraining the ecological space of others, in particular in relation to the mitigation of climate change and measures required for reducing GHG emissions. JUSTNature will contribute to this vision of shaping low-carbon cities by developing a set of typical Low carbon | High air quality NbS in seven European city practice labs. By activating their just implementation, it will drive the co-design, co-creation and co-decision of supporting interventions with regard to four innovation dimensions: 1) enabling effective governance, 2) enabling NbS system maintenance and operation, 3) enabling innovative business models and market design, and 4) enabling efficient technologies and applications.

The seven European City Practice Labs are: Bolzano-Merano (Italy), Chania (Greece), Gzira (Malta), Leuven (Belgium), Munich (Germany) and Szombathely (Hungary).  



Keywords: Nature-based solutions, low/zero carbon communities, climate change mitigation & adaptation, ecological space, environmental justice, air quality, ICT solutions, big data, policy & governance, urban design.  


Within the consortium, ISOCARP Institute will implement various communication and dissemination activities, and it will support cross-learning activities between municipalities. Furthermore, the Institute will deliver a report on good practices for the co-governance of nature-based solutions.
A preliminary Consortium meeting will take place on 12th July, while the kick-off meeting will be help in September 2021.


This project will receive funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. Call H2020-LCCLA-2020 Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities and improved air quality.



Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or further information.



Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals” (16th July 2021)

Urban Lab 1 “Championing Local Green Deals” 

July 16, 2021

The Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals” will take place online on 16th July, 9.30-11.00 CEST. The event is coordinated by ISOCARP Institute and it is part of the 3-day Urban Thinker Campus “A Local Green Deal”, organised by Studieninstitut Rhein-Neckar (Mannheim, Germany).

Through the European Green Deal, the European Union has set the ambitious target of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.  The European Green Deal includes various actions, measures and tools in nine policy areas (such as clean energy, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, etc.). However, it is crucial to transform the direction given by the Green Deal into local actionable projects and concrete interventions. Following Mannheim’s input and effort to develop a Local Green Deal Mannheim, this Urban Lab Session will collect and discuss valuable practices and experiences in the implementation of Local Green Deals.

NOTE: You will register on the official website of the UTC Mannheim and you will receive a confirmation e-mail from the organising team. The link to our session (URBAN LAB 1) will be available on the day itself on the official website

The livestream of the event will be available here

This Urban Lab Session aims at reflecting on actionable and short-term interventions which foster the implementation of Local Green Deals. The programme will start with brief presentations to inspire the audience and provide exemplary experiences and approaches at different urban scales and from different contexts. Moreover, ISOCARP Institute is launching a Call for Contributors, where city representatives, practitioners, industry partners or community members can share their stories and suggest possible solutions. 

The session is intended to be as interactive as possible. Speakers will answer questions and will discuss with the participants.


  • 09.30 – 09.35   
    Introduction | ISOCARP Institute
  • 09.35 – 09.50   
    Keynote speaker presentation | Martin Knuijt, OKRA  
  • 09.50 – 10.40
    Call for Contributors: share your story!
    Elsa Durieux, ICLEI
    Nicolas Gharbi, Municipality of Madrid
    Joana Bispo, Municipality of Teresina
    Valentina D’Alonzo, EURAC & VARCITIES project
    Bhagyshri Kulkarni, architect and urban designer (India)
    Sevval Cavusoglu, urban planner (Turkey)
    Elisa Torricelli, Municipality of Milan
  • 10.45 – 10.55
    Discussion | Local actions for Green Deals
    Moderated by Milena Ivkovic
  • 10.55 – 11.00
    Recap and closing | ISOCARP Institute
* Since we are receving many contributions, we have slightly adapted the schedule of the session. Instead of having a working group in the second part, we would like to leave the floor to our contributors. For this reason, the planned working group will be replaced by a shorted plenary discussion. Participants are welcome to ask question and actively participate in the debate. 

Call for contributors!

Are you a city representative or a practitioner and would like to present your projects on implementing Local Green Deals? Are you an industry partner who has been working on new solutions/products? Or are you a member of a community who would like to share your experience on sustainable actions? Then we would like to listen to your story! You are invited to submit initiavies, actions, strategies and proposals and discuss them during our Urban Session Lab. 

Would you like to contribute but you cannot attend the session? No problem! Contact us and submit a short recorded video. We will be happy to share it.

For any questions or further information regarding the Urban Lab Session, please contact Federico Aili (