ISOCARP Institute is now a proud partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative!

ISOCARP Institute is now a proud partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative!

ISOCARP Institute is a proud partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative.

The New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

The New European Bauhaus will:

Bring citizens, experts, businesses, and Institutions together and facilitate conversations about making tomorrow’s living spaces more affordable and accessible. 

Mobilize designers, architects, engineers, scientists, students, and creative minds across disciplines to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond.

Strive to improve the quality of our living experience. It will highlight the value of simplicity, functionality, and circularity of materials without compromising the need for comfort and attractiveness in our daily lives.

Provide financial support to innovative ideas and products through ad-hoc calls for proposals and through coordinated programs included in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework.

As a partner, ISOCARP Institute intends to enrich the activities of the NEB by deploying our leveraging capacity through capitalization, dissemination, and co-creation activities on a global level through the following:

Communicate, disseminate, share and amplify key messages of New European Bauhaus.

Co-creation with a wide range of global stakeholders across public, private, and civil society.

Mobilizing the vast network of ISOCARP.

Check out the New European Bauhaus website for more information