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Subscribe to +CityxChange Newsletter

+CityxChange (Positive City ExChange) is a smart city project, that has been granted funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the call for ‘Smart cities and communities.’ In all seven Lighthouse Cities (LHC) and Follower Cities (FC) which are part of the project, Positive Energy Blocks and Districts will be developed and installed, contributing to the European Clean Energy Transition goals across EU cities.  

The +CityxChange vision is to enable the co-creation of the future we want to live in. This includes the development of a framework and supporting tools to enable a common energy market supported by a connected community. It further leads to recommendations for new policy intervention, market (de)regulation and business models that deliver positive energy communities integrating e-Mobility as a Service (eMaaS). Our innovation and demonstration projects are organised as 11 Demonstration Projects.

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Invitation to Bucharest Forum on Nature-based Solutions

Invitation to Bucharest Forum on Nature-based Solutions

The ThinkNature project consortium invites you to participate in the Bucharest Forum on Nature-based Solutions (NBS). The Forum will be held from 2-3 October 2019 in Bucharest. The forum will be a lively debate with a thematic focus on (1) Cities & policies and (2) Business models & technical aspects. Each day consists out of a plenary opening, four parallel sessions and a plenary closure. Next to the parallel sessions the NBS Café will be open as break-out room for networking, informal meetings and exhibitions.

Nature-based solutions can be perceived as complicated interventions, only suitable for cities with the right legislation, governance and funding in place. The Forum will pay special attention to the role of NBS in cities in Central and East-Europe. We invite you to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the implementation of NBS in an interactive workshop setting!